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Clean Eater Wannabe

Kim’s guest post on “Kicking Ass & Looking Pretty” website, responding to a question from a Wannabe Clean Eater who wants to know what clean eating looks like and where to start from.

Here’s a summary of Kim’s response:

In this field you often see a lot of buzz words surrounding nutrition. “Clean eating” is a more recent term that is being used in a number of programs and health articles. What does “clean eating” really mean? Well depending on where you look you will find a number of different answers. The basis of the term is that it is a healthy, well-balanced diet that eliminates processed foods, artificial ingredients and colors, sugars and increases fruits/veggies and whole grains.

Always try to eat at the natural form of the food. When you are starting with healthy, unprocessed foods your day might look like this:

  • Breakfast: Spinach Omlette with avocado and organic salsa, a side of berries with sunflower seeds sprinkled on top
  • Mid-Morning snack: Organic apple with natural peanut butter
  • Lunch: Mixed green salad with sliced almonds and grilled chicken, extra virgin olive oil/vinegar
  • Mid-afternoon snack: Smoothie made with greek yogurt, berries, almond milk and organic honey or fresh veggies with 2tbls hummus
  • Dinner: Homemade Turkey Chili with black/red beans, fresh tomatoes

A lot of this starts with prepping for your day and being prepared! I have included a quick list of unprocessed foods that you can start with when building your plan. The good news is that you will feel great almost immediately and naturally lose weight if you stick with this plan.

Sample foods to pick from:

  • Meats, fish, chicken organic if possible
  • Low fat dairy products such as plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese, skim/low fat milk
  • Fruits and veggies (stay away from dried fruit which may have preservatives or sugars added)
  • Brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, quinoa
  • Avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, grass fed butter, seeds, nuts, nut butters, almond milk


Photo Credit: Flickr/Richard Lee

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