Five Fitness Facts on COVID-19

By Mike Kubas

Since there is not much else going on these days aside from Covid-19 talk, let’s talk some more about Covid-19! There has been so much information both good and bad on this virus that it’s quite overwhelming for anyone to try to sift through it all. Some controversial, some not. For our sanity, I’m just going to touch on a handful of helpful facts that could ease some of your concerns about returning to a regular exercise routine and maybe even motivate you to get into the gym!

Five Fitness Facts on Covid-19

1. Gyms Are Safe!

A Norwegian study showed how with proper safety measures and practicing good hygiene and sanitation, gyms have proven to not have a high rate of transmission amongst the attendees. The study involved 5 gyms and over 3700 members!

2. Muscle mass improves your chances of surviving Covid-19!

Studies have linked favorable body compositions and increased muscle mass with a stronger functioning immune system. Our immune system is our first defense against the virus and is critical in fighting off the virus. Strength training will increase your muscle mass giving your immune system a bit of a boost to fight off any potential infections.

3. Covid-19 is making people MORE SEDENTARY, increasing risk of developing comorbidities

Studies show people all over the world are moving even less than pre-covid. In addition, many people have lost the structure of their daily routine and have more spare time to do unproductive things. This leads to boredom and often times more bad habits or bad eating. Now, more than ever, it’s important to not fall into this trap and to stay active and fit – safely.

4. Individuals with chronic illnesses are 12 times more likely to die from the virus.

Reducing the number of comorbidities an individual has greatly reduces their risk of death from Covid-19. Many of these can be impacted by daily exercise and maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. Resistance training, as well as aerobic exercise, can help to control or offset ailments like type II diabetes, obesity, coronary artery disease, and high blood pressure.

5. Exercise is not just about the beach body anymore, it’s our first line of defense against illnesses

Hopefully one positive that will come from Covid-19 is a renewed emphasis on exercise as medicine and highlighting the massive health benefits we can gain from being active and fit. Sure, looking good is always nice, but it’s vital to create awareness around the importance of being active and developing muscle mass and the positive effects it has on our immune system and overall health.

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