Skinny Jeans Blues No More

Melissa Maria during one of her training sessions.

We are thrilled to be able to provide you with a second guest blogger for our new Jeans Challenge group!  For the first 3 weeks Cynthia has been writing about her experiences, she has provided terrific insight and will continue to do so.   Now she is joined by Melissa who also wanted to join in the fun of sharing her thoughts and great response to the program.  I hope you find both of these ladies experiences interesting and motivational; I definitely do and I thank them for taking the time to share.  Kim Garrity

By Melissa Maria – Jeans Challenge Participant

I’m finishing up my 3rd week on the Jeans Challenge and I already feel a major difference. I feel much leaner, stronger, energized and healthier. Before this plan I thought I was eating enough protein, vegetables and drinking enough of the right fluids but I was wrong. Thanks to my weekly accountability meetings with Kim I’ve learned to properly manage my nutrition and note what I need more of and what I need to limit and/or scratch out.
My metabolic and strength training on this plan have really kicked my butt but I absolutely love it! Although it’s definitely not easy, the trainers really help motivate you and work really hard with you to achieve your goal. With all the interval training I’m doing through this program, I had to up my protein and vegetable intake by a lot & cut out all juices an limit my starch intake to only the morning and after workouts.
Those Shore Shake smoothies definitely help with recovery after those strenuous workouts and are so tasty. My NEW favorite is the Strawberry Slam which by the way is Slamming!!! All the trainers at Shore Results have been more than helpful and I look forward to my results at the end of the 8 week program.

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