Breakfast of Champions?

By Kim Garrity, Nutritionist, General Manager

This past week I went across the street to the Quick Check to get a cup of coffee early one morning. The man in front of me on line had a rather interesting purchase…well maybe it is more common than I think. Obviously his “breakfast of champions”, it included a 20oz Pepsi, Slim Jim and a package of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups. Coming in at probably over 700 calories – with close to ZERO nutritional value. I must admit that the sad state of our nation’s health is upsetting and that it sometimes takes every ounce of my strength to not say something to the person in question! How can our bodies feel good and do anything near what they are supposed to be doing given meals like this!

The answer is simple…they cannot.

Last week at our meeting we focused on cravings, what causes them and how we can help prevent them. We had a great discussion and our team members came up with some excellent recommendations. The group as a whole has lost over 46 pounds! Being that everyone has not been weighed-in as of this point that averages 3.4 lbs per person (for those that have weighed-in.) That is great progress for 3 completed weeks.

This week’s lecture is a good one! It is about the behavioral changes that need to occur on the inside with any lifestyle change. “How Your Mind Affects Your Health”…the answer is that it sometimes has more of an impact than we think. It is one of my favorite lectures.

During the first meeting, Real Results participants were asked to write down excuses that prevented them from accomplishing goals in the past…we threw them in the trash, promising that they would NOT GET IN THE WAY this time. Chances are that in your own life you have been faced with one if not more of these roadblocks. Have you been able to accomplish part of your goals? What gets in YOUR way of achieving your health related goals? Don’t let your excuses get the best of you – stay focused and engaged!!! I promise you that this is what it takes to be successful!


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