Uma Parasar

Fitness Instructor

Uma Parasar was introduced to Yoga as a tween. She re-discovered her practice 5 years ago and completed her 200-hr training in May 2017, as her youngest child graduated college. She was inspired to teach seeing the benefits a regular practice brings both to mind and body in her mother, a disciplined yogi for 35+ years.

She strives to teach “purposeful yoga” for long term health benefits by including asanas that promote specific well-being and articulating these benefits in class. Her class is structured to stretch, build strength, balance and renew body and mind.  A regular yoga practice brings discipline, a positive mind, well-being and a caring attitude to others. Her goal is for each person to incorporate the asanas that help them into their daily life.

Her motto is: Exercise is medicine, do some every day!

Uma lives in Atlantic Highlands with her husband and loves daily runs/walks in the area, gardening and being outdoors. She works at International Flavors & Fragrances and is passionate about exercise and healthy eating.

Be Healthy & Happy and Do More Good!

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