Shore Results Training Helps Rick to Improve Mobility, Flexibility and Endurance While Losing Body Fat

Prior to joining Eastpointe Health & Fitness in 2014, I was at Centrex gym in Middletown and when it changed hands to Cirius Fitness, I decided to move on. I was a regular gym member at Eastpointe for a few years and I had often looked at the goings on in the Shore Results section with something along the lines of bemusement.  I had a combined squat and bench of over 1,000 pounds and none of the exercises looked familiar nor likely to increase my strength. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with a massive aortic aneurysm that I was forced to completely change the way I exercise. “You can do all the cardio you want,” said one of the preeminent heart surgeons in the country, “but you can never lift heavy weights again.”

Having lifted for power since the 90’s, I equated power with being healthy. In fact, lifting heavy exacerbated my condition and I was lucky to have avoided dissection and certain death. So now what? None of what I knew about the gym was of any use going forward. I needed to learn an entirely new system from the ground up. Where to start? Crossfit boxes seemed a bit cultish, and I now came with some serious limitations. Well, I never see the people in Shore Results lift anything particularly heavy, but they look pretty good, so why don’t we give that a try – and so in June of 2017 I signed up for personal sessions three days a week with Julia Marrone, the Training Manager in Shore Results.

In the years since, I have maintained what I’ll call useful strength, while dramatically improving my mobility, flexibility and endurance and losing significant bodyfat in the process. These are things that will take me into future decades pain-free and injury resistant.  I did lots of damage over decades of heavy lifting and without my current work in Shore Results, I have no doubt I’d be debilitated and in chronic pain. While that may await us all, I want to push it as far forward into the future as I can. It’s a fight you can deny or confront.

I’d say that if you’ve been doing the same thing for years to limited effect, it’s time for a change. Exercise science has come a long way and if you want to be on the cutting edge, but don’t know where to start, I’d suggest getting in front of Julia and the Eastpointe staff and learning how to get it done in the 2020’s.

For more information on the Shore Results Program and to set up your complimentary strategy session today CLICK HERE.

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