
We Have the Answers!

We’ve compiled a list of  the most commonly asked questions about Eastpointe Health & Fitness, and we hope this helps you easily navigate our facility and services.

What Would
You Like
To Know?

Browse these commonly asked questions about gym membership, guest policies, training, and more.

If you have questions that aren’t mentioned, please don’t hesitate to call us!

We offer flexible gym membership options to suit your needs and lifestyle. With our no-commitment month-to-month memberships, you have the freedom to join and cancel anytime without any hassle or additional fees. Whether you’re looking to commit for a short period or a longer duration, we also provide term memberships ranging from 1 month to 1 year.

Yes! Our policy allows members to bring guests for a small fee, which enables members to share their fitness experience with friends or family while maintaining the exclusivity and benefits of being a member.

Daily, weekend, and weekly rates are available for guests.

Absolutely! Our gym has knowledgeable and friendly staff members who are available to guide you and demonstrate how to use the equipment properly. They are more than happy to assist you in getting started and ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident during your workout.

Yes! Trainers at our Atlantic Highlands health club are highly qualified and experienced in fitness. They possess a combination of formal education, relevant certifications, and practical experience to provide effective and safe training sessions. We prioritize the knowledge, skills, and professionalism of our trainers, ensuring that they meet the qualifications required to guide and support our members in achieving their fitness goals.